Sunday, September 29, 2013

Today is September 29th, 2013
Issued Blogger Presents:
The Sunday That Just Was BAD
I woke up Sunday morning about 5o'clock a.m. I got up and brushed my teeth, washed my face and hopped in the shower. I got out at about 7:30ish.. Anyway, I got my dress clothes on and just sat on the bed. Everyone else in the house was up so I thought I'd just go out and say good morning to everybody. Sitting there was my dads girlfriend and my cousins. I looked in the kitchen and seen my dad cooking breakfast. I sat down at the table and said good morning to everybody and waiting for a response.  I looked around as everyone spoke with a, " Good morning Kira." I smiled as I got up out my chair and went it to give my dad a hug. He smiled and asked me how I wanted my breakfast sandwich on toast or a English muffin. He calls it the "Greg muffin". It is embarrassing because when he used to cook for O'Charleys, he used to have that on the menu. Shaking my head, laughing out loud.
Later on.........
We get to church, marvelous choir and blessed preaching. People shouting to the Lord saying, " Thank thee." My dad gets up, time to go. I get up then my dads girlfriend gets up. We walked to the car. He goes to open the door and the door handle breaks off. We all look each other as my dad released a frustration curse word. I told him to just calm down. We called AAA but they couldn't come in time, It would be a 4 hour wait. So we decided to knock on some mans door and ask him for a hanger and explain to him why we need it. He sat on his porch drinking his Budweiser. I just walked up and down the sidewalk pacing. I called Brean, one of my sisters. She just laughed, I yelled at her saying this is not funny. It's not okay. I'm stuck out here and you laughing that's why your head bigger than your thoughts. I told her that I was going to call her back. That's when I called my other best friend Rome. He answered and I told him what happened. He was so confused because he was hung over. So I just told him I would call him back. 50 minutes passed by and I just kept on walking up and down the sidewalk.
He got the door open! I jumped in the car and buttoned my seat belt so fast. I was so happy to finally leave. I had on a dress, I started to freeze a little bit. We drove to Kroger, that's when I told them I would just stay in the car because I was scared. I turned on the radio and my favorite song came on. It was Asap Ferg and Asap Rocky talking about Shabba Ranks. I started "crankin" real hard dancing in the car. My dad and his girlfriend came back and they seen me. It was that awkward look when you know someone is watching you but you just don't even care. So we just looked at each other for that 1 minute and we just drove off. We got home about 12. I was so tired, I drunk some fruit water and just went to sleep. I'm sick... OH!!!! This is great. I'm sneezing and coughing everywhere. Amazing way to spend my Sunday.

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