Thursday, August 29, 2013


y name? You want to know it? It's Shakira Kiana Black, and I'm a 16 year old senior at Princeton High School. My favorite colors are purple, black and white. I am African- American. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers. I and my father don’t get along that much. He is diabetic and he doesn’t take his medicine sometimes. I try to help him and he doesn’t listen. My mother suffers from a depression, and I as well suffer from it. I am very reserve when it comes to friends, and meeting new people. When it comes to a lot of people I am a very shy person.             

My blog is about me as well as my situations that I go through weekly, sometimes daily. My blog stands for me. Who I am and what I like and, as well as my dilemmas. Something’s that I struggle with would be me being a homosexual female. People push down on me and try to change me. But, I am me and I feel like I should express myself because I am not ashamed of anything. People judge me by the way I look, the color of my skin, my shoe size and as well as other things. I sometimes don’t understand why people have to judge on something so gentle. I love showing people I care. An Issued Blogger, something that people could relate too. As well, as people can understand what I have been through and possibly change their minds on how they view me.

I have a lot of struggles and issues. People have judged me before they even know me. People judge me based on my attitude. My attitude that I show towards people is a reflection of how I act. I being a Princeton student is a big deal with my family. I wanted to move along time ago and my mother just teased me and said I can get through it. I get judged by walking down the hallway, if people knew the real me then they would understand that I get depressed just because. I’m helpless at times; sometimes I have thoughts of death and failure. Failure is a big deal when you try so hard every day to please people when you barely please yourself.

Creative Writing class for me would be helpful for me to express my feelings and show people the real Shakira Kiana Black instead of that, “Dark skinned chick”.


  1. I love the colors that are on your blog, but i feel like with the amount of abstact colors it draws my attention away from what you are saying.

  2. Many individuals are in different struggles. I hope people learn something from this blog.

  3. You can be whatever you want to be. Forget what other people because they just don't understand other people's feeling and what they are going through. If it's your heartand passion then let it. :)

  4. Shakira, You are brave to write your feelings down and share them with others. This makes you strong. I am impressed with your spirit.
