Friday, August 30, 2013

Today is my birthday. My uncle died yesterday. I feel like crap, and my head, back, and stomach hurt. My throat is hurting so much I can't even function. My body hurts and I feel horrible. My mother and my grandma looked so sad, they didn't even cry. I don't understand how they are so strong. They are some strong individuals that I came from.

Today is September 8th, 2013. I am back from Michigan and I am emtionally tired. Inside my head I am ready to go back to school, but physically I feel horrible. Seeing all the people in my family cry that I never seen cry, made me feel so different. From this point on; I might not be the Shakira Black that everybody knows. On top of that, my father has not contacted me in weeks. I feel like he does not even care that my uncle passed away. Since the day I told my dad, he tried to act like he cared about my mother. My mother was not having that. My grandmother she is the one that always says," Boo, everything is going to be ok. All you can do is trust and believe in GOD. He will make you through any tough times that the one below throws at you. You can over-come anything." And too this day I charish what my grandmother has told me because she is the head of my life, the rock of my building and the laces to my shoes. This might not be long, but this is all I can come up with because I am so heart broken.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could fix your broken heart. Time can heal but it's hard in the present.
