Sunday, September 15, 2013

Today September 15,2013.
An Issued Blogger:
Topic For This Week:
Growing up with everything:
When I was younger my mother was a Nurse Aid. I got everything I wanted. Shoes, clothes, jewelry, and more. I used to be so spoiled. I used to go with my mother to work, she would sit me in the room and feed me and then I would take a nap. Growing up I had everything I needed and everything I wanted. Christmas was never limited. Always something for Christmas that I knew I would get. I didn't have to worry about Santa Claus not coming because my mother and grandmother were both Santa. Everyone says that I am conceited and I don't worry about anybody else except for me. Sometimes people think that I am spoiled but I'm not. I am just blessed.
Now living the struggle:
Ever since my mother loosed her job due to a illness. Everything went down hill. I have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. If my father is paying child support. If we have food stamps or money coming in. My grandma gives me money but at the end of the day, I want to provide for myself and not have everybody else in the way for me. Living the struggle, not a horrible saying because to me it shows and explains, I will never doubt where I come from. I would never forget what brought me up and shape me to the person I am today. People can say that I am spoiled from what they seen but truly, I make it on my own.
Being alone:
Being alone and not understanding " THE NORM". I was always different. I always have someone telling me I am nothing like my brother. Or they comparing me to him. I will never be my brother. I could never have piano talent like him. People ask me, are you going to the Army like your brother. If I wanted to go you all would try to stop me anyways. So I don't think it matters.

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong girl! let writing be your outlet.
